Moving To A Cold State: Ultimate Pros And Cons List

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Moving to a cold state is a big decision. That is why it must be a well-researched and informed decision. Keep in mind that you must look closely at all the advantages and disadvantages of moving to such a state.

Therefore, think like this – Will this be a good decision for all my family members? Will the upcoming big change be something that you will enjoy constantly? Is there a possibility that you will come to hate it as time passes?

There is only one way to know for sure. Do it and see for yourself. However, before you pack your suits and hit the road make a pro and con list with us. This way you will at least know what to expect when you arrive.

Moving To A Cold State – Pros

To be honest most people think about moving to California, Florida, Arizona, Texas, or some other state in the South where the sun is out for months. However, some people prefer to live in colder climates. Did you know that colder climates can have surprising health benefits for your health?

Believe it or not, there are a number of advantages of moving to a cold state that you may have never known before.

Cold weather burns more calories

When it’s cold outside, the human body has to work much harder in order to maintain its core body temperature. This means your body will use a greater amount of energy to keep you warm and humidify the air you breathe when you’re out in the open.

As a result, you are likely to burn roughly 30% more calories than when it’s warm outside. So, it turns out that cold weather can help you in your efforts to lose excess body fat.

You will think clearly and keep yourself sharp-minded

Colder temperatures are believed to help people think more clearly and tackle cognitive problems a bit more easily. So, what’s the scientific explanation behind this?

The brain requires glucose to function at an optimal level but when it’s warm or hot outside, our body uses more glucose to keep its core temperature down. That basically means that there’s less glucose left to power the brain in terms of pure cognitive functioning.

Therefore, while cold weather may boost your brain activity ever so slightly, you can’t expect to become a genius simply because you’ve moved to a colder state.

Alleviates outdoor allergies

Say goodbye to outdoor allergies when you move to a colder state. Moving to a cold state will be good for you if you suffer from allergies triggered by pollen. In fact, pollen counts don’t really exist in cold weather. So, for people with outside allergies, the cold climate can be a blessing.

Cold weather provides better sleep conditions

Another advantage of moving to a cold state is that you’re very likely to sleep longer and better thanks to the cold climate. When you’re trying to fall asleep, the core temperature of the body lowers naturally. On a hot summer day, this can take up to 2 hours while it’s much faster in a colder environment.

When natural sunlight is gone during the shorter winter days, the body tends to go into sleep mode. All this can be a drawback when you’re trying to work during the day, but it’s definitely good for your sleep.

And there’s no denying that having a good night’s sleep brings many benefits to a person, including a boost to the immune system, a better memory, reduced stress, improved mood, clearer thoughts, and so on.

Prevents infections

While it’s true that the flu thrives in cold and dry air, it’s important to note that your immune system should be in better shape to fight infections in cold weather. Why?

The human immune system can get activated when it’s exposed to colder temperatures, meaning that your body should improve its ability to ward off infections more effectively once you move to a colder environment.

Of course, the immune system boost you’re likely to get when moving to a cold state doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be extra careful not to get infected.

Cold weather will lower inflammation

Moving to a cold state can have somewhat surprising positive effects on your body as well. The colder air in your destination can work as an ice pack on an injury – it will generally reduce swellings and help alleviate aches and pains of various origins.

The colder temperatures outside will make the vessels in your skin less prone to redness and swelling as a direct result of the reduction of blood flow. Again, it’s similar to applying ice on an injured area in the body and getting almost instant relief from the pain.

Cold weather can strengthen your heart

Working out in a cold climate can help strengthen your heart. Numerous studies show that a cold climate can prove to be beneficial for your heart. Winter workouts outdoors such as walking or running will require a human’s heart to pump a greater amount of oxygenated blood. This makes sure that the whole body maintains a core temperature that stays within healthy limits.

Exercising outdoors in cold weather can make your heart muscles stronger since your heart will put in some extra effort to work perfectly. 

Moving To A Cold State – Cons

Naturally, every decision has its good and bad sides. Moving to a cold state after reading the advantages might sound like a perfect decision but it has it share of drawbacks. Before you make a move you should know them in order to make an informed decision.

Shorter days

Living in a colder climate usually means shorter days since the sun their sets early. This might make you feel sleepy and drowsy. Of course, this can be a blessing in since it will improve your sleep and increase your hours of sleep. But it also means fewer hours of fun activities outside and less work done outside your home. Of course, you can still go outside and have fun when the sun has set, but it’s just not the same feeling. Some people never really get used to the shortened winter days after moving to a cold state.

Dangerous weather

A cold climate is dangerous if you are not careful enough. Battling through winters can be dangerous if proper care is not taken. Icy sidewalks in winter do increase the risk of falls, which in turn can lead to fractures. Driving in winter conditions is always risky and patches of ice on the road or too much snow could sometimes result in car accidents. Winter storms can be very dangerous if one gets caught in one outside the protection of their home.

Also, in cold weather, some older adults face a greater risk of hypothermia. This is a dangerous condition in which the internal core temperature of the body becomes too low. That may happen when a person gets prolonged exposure to cold.

Cold weather usually means more work

Moving to a colder state will offer some hidden disadvantages as well like having extra work around your house when the snow starts falling from the sky. Shoveling snow around the yard, pathways, driveways, and house foundations. 

After a heavy snowfall, you’ll also need to remove the accumulated snow from the roof of your house to avoid all sorts of structural problems. You may not realize it at first, but moving to a state with harsh winters means you will need to wake up at least an hour earlier to dig your car out of the snow. That can be a big deal breaker for many people.

Higher utility bills

Moving to an area with long and cold winters will automatically mean that you’ll have to pay more money to heat your home. In other words, you’ll have higher electricity bills during the cold months of the year.

Of course, moving to a warmer state will also get you to spend more money in the summer when you’ll be running your AC full time to cool down your home, but nothing beats an electricity bill during long spells of sub-zero temperatures.

Utility bills are probably the last thing on your mind when moving to a cold state but you should assess everything before reaching your final decision.

It will affect your psyche

No matter how good cold weather can be for your physical health it can be very burdensome to your mental health. It’s been proven that the lack of sunlight during the cold months of the year and the constant coldness can influence your mood and energy.  

This condition is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The symptoms usually start in the fall and continue well into the winter months. Also known as winter depression,  it may disrupt your biological clock and a drop in serotonin.

Moving To A Colder State Requires Help

If after making your own pros and cons list you are still all about moving to a colder state then you are ready to plan your next move. Your next step should be hiring a reliable moving company that will help you with all logistics and problem-solving. 

Remember, you don’t need to, and you can’t do all on your own. Interstate relocation is a big deal and if not done correctly a lot can go wrong. When you hire iMOVE NYC you will avoid big money losses and unpleasant situations. 

Schedule your estimation here.

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